Detailed information of matrix profile UN0754.1

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Profile summary

Name: cnc
Matrix ID: UN0754.1
Class: Basic
Family: Jun-related
Taxon: Insects
Species: Drosophila melanogaster
Data Type: SELEX
Uniprot ID: P20482  
Source: 25779349

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 87 111 17 17 993 0 8 680 0 1 976 3 418 ]
C [ 432 12 4 977 0 257 492 75 8 5 3 878 65 ]
G [ 64 873 3 2 5 79 491 241 3 972 1 12 426 ]
T [ 416 2 974 2 0 662 7 2 987 21 18 105 89 ]

Binding sites information

No Binding sites available for this model.

External links