Detailed information of matrix profile UN0439.1

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Profile summary

Name: AP2-b
Matrix ID: UN0439.1
Class: Basic
Family: AP-2
Taxon: Urochordates
Species: Ciona intestinalis
Data Type: SELEX
Uniprot ID:  
Source: 31267468
Comment: No

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 228 247 244 281 186 151 52 4 10 66 88 127 25 33 127 273 353 256 259 221 ]
C [ 281 247 244 190 235 325 504 974 912 98 103 73 15 202 427 249 188 220 219 251 ]
G [ 259 250 216 226 237 345 388 12 18 88 753 782 955 722 329 256 211 221 282 275 ]
T [ 232 257 297 302 341 179 56 10 60 748 56 19 4 44 117 222 249 303 240 253 ]

Binding sites information

No Binding sites available for this model.

External links