Detailed information of matrix profile UN0389.1

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Profile summary

Name: AT1G66420
Matrix ID: UN0389.1
Class: Tryptophan
Family: Storekeeper
Taxon: Plants
Species: Arabidopsis thaliana
Data Type: DAP-seq
Uniprot ID: Q9C517  
Source: 27203113
Comment: No

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 358 132 566 585 208 585 434 698 94 0 19 1000 19 698 981 0 94 151 151 ]
C [ 340 245 170 113 75 57 0 38 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 151 57 208 75 ]
G [ 94 170 57 226 434 19 38 132 0 981 981 0 0 189 19 528 660 75 38 ]
T [ 208 453 208 75 283 340 528 132 774 19 0 0 981 113 0 321 189 566 736 ]

Binding sites information

No Binding sites available for this model.

External links