Detailed information of matrix profile UN0262.1

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Profile summary

Name: Sall4
Matrix ID: UN0262.1
Class: C2H2
Family: Factors
Taxon: Vertebrates
Species: Mus musculus
Data Type: ChIP-seq
Uniprot ID: Q8BX22  
Source: 30462313
Comment: not

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 1203 3715 1978 8725 226 3420 1248 481 247 93 6815 2820 1387 ]
C [ 691 1756 1032 123 8449 154 275 76 126 56 283 619 5918 ]
G [ 5893 689 554 119 184 131 307 91 8738 38 452 1854 567 ]
T [ 1461 3088 5684 281 389 5543 7418 8600 137 9061 1698 3955 1376 ]

Binding sites information

External links