Detailed information of matrix profile UN0168.1

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Profile summary

Name: ZNF248
Matrix ID: UN0168.1
Class: C2H2
Family: Factors
Taxon: Vertebrates
Species: Homo sapiens
Data Type: ChIP-seq
Uniprot ID: Q8NDW4  
Source: 30462313
Comment: No

Sequence logo

Frequency matrix

A [ 4810 4615 2660 5184 165 5674 158 1111 35 194 5955 21 388 69 49 52 5992 12 157 330 5928 181 2953 824 ]
C [ 116 83 830 175 3638 69 176 1808 5897 5386 5 96 95 2897 153 5923 13 37 25 5 23 391 294 152 ]
G [ 949 1171 2236 577 95 216 289 67 4 13 75 19 5511 21 23 5 25 42 5804 5688 56 73 893 4888 ]
T [ 171 177 320 110 2148 87 5423 3060 110 453 11 5910 52 3059 5821 66 16 5955 60 23 39 5401 1906 182 ]

Binding sites information

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